Thursday, May 21, 2009

Singing to my baby

Rosalie is 3 1/2 months old now and taking several naps each day. It has been my tradition to rock and sing to all of my babies before laying them down for naps, and Rosalie is no exception. It has gotten harder and harder with each one to have that private moment, since there is always someone needing me somewhere else. However, I treasure any moment I can get just rocking and singing to my sweet baby.
Those who know me, already know that I love to sing. I have been singing since before I could talk, or at least that is how my parents have always said it. It just so happens that I have a Bachelor's degree in vocal music, and spent my younger years traveling and singing in churches all over the United States (even Alaska), as well as the Bahamas, Bermuda, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. I have had amazing opportunities to sing and took full advantage of those opportunities. Once I graduated from college, I was a choral director, and spent my time teaching others how to sing.
You may be wondering if I am going to drive home a point, or if I am just tooting my own horn, so to speak. My point is that I've had a great deal of experience singing in many different venues all over the world. BUT nothing compares to the tender moments that I have shared with my babies, sitting in my rocking chair and singing to them songs of worship to the Lord. I don't know what their memories will be of those special times, but they are memories that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.


  1. What a special time for you and Rosalie. I knew that you had an incredible voice, and had been vocally trained, but I had no idea that you had sung all over the world! How cool!

    May I request a video of some songs that you sing with your kids?!? I'm always learning new ones to sing with Nathan and Natalie, and though I don't have a beautiful voice like you, at least I can make a joyful noise, right?

    Sweet post!

  2. I always loved singing to Chase when she was a baby, you are right, they are such sweet treasured memories...of course when Chase got hold enough to talk she started saying "no sing mommy, no sing" so that gives you some idea of how well I sing!! hahahaha

  3. I can only imagine the beautiful melodies that you sing to your children!! I agree with Tara--give us a taste of some of your songs!! :)
