Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The first week of school- how did it go?

For the most part ... our first week of school went very well! I had a few curve balls thrown my way this week that I wasn't expecting ... but it would just be too easy without them!

Those of you who homeschool all know that it takes a few weeks to figure out a groove. It takes time to figure out a schedule that will work so that everyone gets the instruction needed. Since I have 3 curriculum and 3 boys to school, this year is a lot different than previous years for me.

The biggest curve ball thrown this week (at me), was that Rosalie cut out her morning nap. I will mention the positives first. 1. I no longer have to anticipate it. It's no longer looming. 2. She takes a pretty lengthy afternoon nap .... ahhh the peace and quiet
3. She's on the same schedule as Jonathan, which makes outings easier.
Let's move on to the negative. (notice it's singular)
1. She is not exactly cooperative at this point.
She wants to be in the middle of all that we do. She's loud, fussy, whiny, and difficult.
Okay. That felt really good to get that out.
I had to train Aaron and Jonathan to play quietly during school. It's now Rosalie's turn for the training process. A process is exactly what it is. There will be days when there will be marked improvement, and there will be days when I will wonder if she's really my child. (deliberately putting aside the fact that she resembles anyone in this family)
Nevertheless, the process is entirely worth it and will eventually bear fruit. In the meantime, you can feel free to pray for me as I go through this process. I can assure you that the process does require much prayer!
Martin is really enjoying his 3rd grade curriculum (I am too!), and is especially loving cursive writing. Aaron is enjoying the 1st grade and his favorite is spelling. This is the first year for Spelling - and he thinks it's fantastic. In fact, on Thursday he was again talking about how much he loved it, (as he was taking his spelling test) and was pleasantly surprised when I told him he was going to get a brand new list of words for next week! OH JOY!
Jonathan enjoys preschool as well and is loving all the fun activities. His comments are the same everyday when we are done. "but I want to do more school!"
So, we press on with week #2 for the boys and the training room for the girl.


  1. We will praying for you as you begin the training process with Rosalie. I can only imagine what an adjustment it is with three in school and one on the sidelines! How great that they love Spelling and are eager to want to do more. You are a great teacher!! (And I love your new school background!!)

  2. Sounds like a great start! I will pray for sweet Rosalie & mommy too!! I know how challenging that training process can be!
