Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I will not nap for more than 25 minutes ... okay, maybe 30 minutes

My daughter melts my heart. She loves her brothers. She thrives on all the attention they give to her. She is alot of fun. She mimics everything we do. She is in the beginning stages of sign language for a couple of words. She is trying to repeat things we say.
All that said - this girl will not take naps. Her wake up time is 5 AM every single morning. Her bedtime is 7 PM at night. 10 hours of sleep in a row - I am good with that. But please, dear daughter - TAKE YOUR NAPS!!! 20-30 minutes twice a day is all I get out of her. This makes for very long days, my dear friends. I do admit to you - my faithful 'blog readers - I do not love waking at 5 AM every morning. I do not even enjoy it. Okay - just so we can be real - it makes me downright grumpy. The grumpiness escalates when Little Miss Rosalie (a very tired Rosalie, I might add) sleeps for 20-30 minutes and is all done with her nap.
I keep telling her that she is missing out(by not sleeping), but she must think we are having a party without her. She just doesn't want to miss out on anything we happen to be doing.


  1. You know, little Penn did this 5am thing with me shortly after he turned one. I didn't think I would make it with how tired I was. But, I must say even with how bad my kids slept (or didn't sleep) at night, they always took 2-3 hour naps.

    I don't know how Rosalie does it. She must get so tired (and cranky?).

  2. Even Aaron and Jonathan who were up every 2-3 hours took better naps than that. Jonathan was my cranky baby - Aaron didn't sleep well, but was always happy.

    Rosalie has her days. Sometimes she is cranky and sometimes not. You'd think it would make her cranky all the time, though.

  3. As regards her not wanting to miss anything, she's a typical woman.

  4. Does she sleep with any kind of fan, music, or anything to drown out the noise?
    Just curious...sounds like a ZACHARY!! A fan and music always has helped with him (just a little)! Just now he has started the cycle over again...sleeps for 35 minutes and then wakes up standing up and screaming in this crib at which point if I hold and cuddle him he will go back to sleep!

  5. Pam - I do run a fan for her. No amount of cuddling will get her back to sleep. She is so different than my boys. Very, very busy!

  6. I have to chime in on your last comment..... Eliana never liked to cuddle and NEVER wanted to miss a thing. We would joke and say to each other, if she sleeps she will miss the leaf fall :)
    Well, it seems that 3 of your children have 1 thing in common - they made/make their mommy tired!

  7. A couple of things - I actually have to agree about the "typical woman". (at least in regards to the difference between my 3 boys and my 1 girl)

    Janet - bright side - at least I had one good sleeper? Maybe you will get one too?

  8. Mukaela was the same way. Up with the son and a power nap in the afternoon. It does make for one very tired mama. But one day she will sleep. Or at least not need you to get up with her at 5am.
