Thursday, August 6, 2009

Martin writes a list for me. . .

Rich was making a cheese and egg english muffin the other day, and Martin overheard me tell Rich that I wanted to watch him make it, so that I could learn how to do it. Then I got busy taking care of Rosalie and missed the most important part. Martin overheard me say that I missed it. So, he got a piece of paper, and made a list for me with instructions on how to make it.
The list said:
1. cut cheese.
2. make eggs
3. Put cheese on muffin.

I don't know how I ever cooked without him!!


  1. That is so adorably sweet that he wants to be such a helper! Love the cooking list! Ingredients and recipes are so fun from a child's perspective!

  2. That is adorable...I'm sure that one is going in a scrapbook!
