Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jonathan narrowly escapes another set of stitches. . .

. . . in the head. That's right . . . on the forehead, but this time on the left side of his forehead, the last time it was on the right side.
I was heading up the stairs to start bedtime routines, and I hear a bump and a scream. It's a pretty common sound at my house, so I just kept walking up . . . no panic. . .just planned on kissing his boo-boo and moving on.

This particular boo-boo was clearly not typical as blood was pouring down his head by the time I got to him. I called for Rich, and Jonathan was wisked off to be tended to by the first aid expert at our house. (that wouldn't be me) Admittedly, I was a little shaken by it because I didn't want a repeat of an ER visit, ending in several stitches. Thankfully, however, he hit it in such a way that it did not require stitches and he's healing nicely. Apparently, he hit the corner of the counter that is up in the boys' play area.

He's healing quite nicely now, and loves the attention that daddy gives him when he gets a new bandaid for it. Last night, daddy removed his bandaid and informed him that it needed to air out for the night. Jonathan walked away in tears because he didn't get to wear a bandaid! However, he ran into my room early this morning informing me that his boo-boo was all better.


  1. Poor Jonathan! So glad that Rich could take care of it and you didn't have to go to the ER.

  2. Love the new background!

    I would definitely leave that job to Andy as well--not the blood person in our house! Ewww... So glad he is healing and stitch free!
