Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Love our back deck!!!

I love our back deck. I love that the children love our back deck ... and that it's another place they can play that is perfectly safe! Rosalie can even go out there because I have blocked the stairs with a baby gate, so she can't leave the deck! Rosalie LOVES to play out there! I also love it because I send the children out there often with snack ... and that makes for an easy clean up!


  1. I so wish our back deck could be blocked with a baby gate! So cool!! What a fun spot to hang out and not make mommy worry about where little ones are!!

  2. We spend so much time on our back deck and front porch, and you are right: There's nothing like a blocked off, safe place with fresh air and less cleanup!

  3. what a fun place to play! Espcially now that the weather is much cooler!
