Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Martin's first job

Martin with his schedule/to do list

We gave Martin his first paying job this past Saturday. Rich had to work on his classes (at home). I had to take Aaron to soccer. I didn't want to take all 4 of them with me to the soccer field and play referee to my 3 kiddos while my 4th one was playing soccer. Understandable, right?
So, I left Martin and Jonathan home with daddy, took Rosalie and Aaron with me, and gave Martin a paying job.
I put a detailed schedule on an index card for him that said:
10:30 - 11:30 - Play upstairs with Jonathan
11:30 - 12:15 - Make lunch for yourself and Jonathan, sit down with Jonathan and eat
12:15 - Take Jonathan upstairs and put him down for a nap. (turn off light, turn on fan)

I had to leave at 10:30 and was home by 12:30. My goal was for Martin to keep Jonathan occupied and well behaved, so that daddy could do his work without being disturbed. We told Martin that we would pay him $5 for a job done well.

When I got home from soccer, I heard a glowing report from Rich that Martin had indeed done a fantastic job keeping Jonathan occupied and well behaved. Martin made lunch right on time. (Rich did have to intervene once when Jonathan was refusing to eat his lunch - but other than that Rich never had to leave his computer!) When Jonathan had to go to the bathroom, Martin helped Jonathan get dressed again. When lunch had been successfully eaten, Martin took Jonathan upstairs, and put him down for a nap. YAY MARTIN!! Job well done! I am so thankful to have a 7 year old that is developing a good work ethic and is so genuinely helpful. (even when money is not involved!)
Rich mentioned that when Martin came downstairs from putting Jonathan down for a nap, Martin sighed and said, "Now I can rest!"
Welcome to my world, son!!


  1. I love it! WAY TO GO, MARTIN!!!! :)

  2. Awesome! The "now I can rest" part made me chuckle out loud ☺

  3. that is fantastic! I'm impressed that a 7 year old boy is showing such mature character at such a tender age...more power to ya Larissa! I really enjoy your're a very creative mom.
