Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Passing down bikes ...

Last week we passed down bikes. Rosalie got a brand new bike for her birthday ... and as she was riding around on that tiny bike, I noticed that Jonathan was way too big for his tiny bike. Aaron was also outgrowing his bike.

So, I evaluated the bike situation and decided that the new bike needed to go to Martin. Even though the he hadn't really outgrown the bike he had ... he was ready and able to handle a bigger bike. Jonathan got a new to him bike passed down from Aaron. Aaron got a new to him bike passed down from Martin.

Martin got a brand new VERY AWESOME and VERY COOL bike! It is his favorite color, green. It is also a trick bike, so he might be learning some fun tricks on it.
My children are growing up ... I am not sure how we got to the point that all of our children are bike riders!


  1. What fun a bike is - I really love that you have a little pink one in the bunch!

    So, where is your's and Rich's bike? :)

    Much to little Penn's dissapointment the bike his uncle got him is too big for him. So for the time being Eliana is riding it and he is riding Eliana's bike - thankfully it's a green and yellow John Deere tractor bike. But it's still not the same as using his new bike with a hand brake!

    1. I would love to have a bike! Maybe I'll put that on my list of things to buy. Yes, very disappointing when you can't ride your new bike!

  2. Love the pic of all 4 of them ready to go! And then they're off! Yes, I think you need a bike to join in with them :) Family bike rides were always something we did growing up and I'd love to do with our kids when they are able!
