Monday, October 5, 2009

Rosalie is 8 months old!

Rosalie was 8 months old yesterday!
She is now army crawling.
She easily pulls herself up on her knees and to her feet.
She is extremely anxious if I ever leave her sight.
She is happiest when she is in my arms.
She has recently stopped napping for me.
I am hoping and praying she will resume normal nap status once teeth break through.
She has two bottom teeth and 4 top teeth.
The two bottom teeth cut through easily and nicely without much notice.
She has 1 tooth on top - left of center - that cut through.
The other three on top can be seen through the gums - but havn't cut through.
She nurses about 6 - 7 times a day and sleeps through the night most of the time.
I havn't started her on solids yet, but she definitely show interest in what we are putting in our mouths! Not sure yet when I'll start her on solids - maybe next month - maybe not.