Thursday, October 15, 2009

My 2 year old in training

It's never too early to teach responsibility! Jonathan's personality can be somewhat perplexing to me. He has been my hardest toddler by far. He throws tantrums, is insistent (without success) to get his way, he is strong-willed and persistent. All of those things can make for some tough moments. However, Jonathan is so passionate about life. He's animated and excited about most everything he approaches. He is an eager helper - and even better - he helps me with all of his heart!! When he does anything - he does it heartily! His new job is unloading the clean silverware back into the drawer. He loves it and he does it well.

On a side note, when I put him down at bedtime or for his nap he insists that his room be picked up and perfectly clean. He just can't go to sleep if there is a mess. Either he just really likes order (this is the main thing that perplexes me), or my own obsessiveness about order is just rubbing off on him. Either way. . . I really like it!


  1. So cute!

    Keaton is the same way...I'll be trying to read his bedtime story and he's freaking out b/c a book is on the floor or something...I think he definitely got my OC in that area ;-)

  2. He always has the cutest smiles! Doesn't he have a birthday coming up soon? Maybe I'm mistaken.... Happy Birthday if he is!

  3. What a good helper! That last picture is priceless!!!!

    (And I think order is always a good thing! I have one who wants everything neat & tidy, and another one who cares nothing about it!)

  4. Yes, Janet! His birthday is the 27th of this month!
