Sunday, March 27, 2011

Flowers for Mommy

I love how much my boys love to bring me flowers! We took special care to keep these "flowers" alive as long as possible. It was a beautiful table centerpiece for several days!


  1. Love it! "Flowers" from the heart are so precious!!

  2. Our yard has been graced with many of these "flowers" this year too, so they have made their way inside for centerpieces everytime the kids go out to play :) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ! So precious and thankful for kids with such sweet hearts!

  3. what a sweet boy!

  4. This is great training for a young man and it will serve him well for the rest of his life. I love to surprise my ladies with flowers. It is a true sign of adoration and love.

  5. So sweet. I love when my two bring me flowers.
