Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The best bib ever - specially made by a good friend!

My friend, Janet, made Rosalie this very special bib! Not only is it special because Janet made it . . . it's special because it is the best bib ever!
First of all - the closure is neither velcro nor snaps - it ties!!!! AWESOME - when you have a baby that rips everything off! I have to put her arms through very short sleeves and tie it around the neck. It's long and wide enough to cover up pretty much anything that she wears.
She's only my 4th baby - and it took me this long to find a bib that works!!
Thank you, Janet for this bib! We love it!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, thank you! I'm glad it works well for you and Roselie.
    Hey, I still put BOTH of my kids in them so I don't have to deal with changing the shirt if they spill. So much easier to take a bib off and throw it in the wash.

    BTW, she is the smilest (is that a word?) baby!!!
